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St. Martin’s Tennis Club Lottery Draw:

1st Draw April 29th!
Lottery funds have been used to purchase the lovely leather chairs in the Clubhouse. We have used proceeds this year to purhcase new benches for Courts 1 and 2.

The Draw

  1. You may subscribe in multiples of £12 (i,e, £24, £36, £48, £60, etc)

  2. Payment can only be accepted by Standing Order

  3. For every annual sum of £12 staked, you will be allocated a number in the Lottery, which will operate as follow

Four Annual Draws


Four prizes (of size in the ratio 4:3:2:1) will be drawn from each of the following four social events:


  1. Draw for Partner in April

  2. Wimbledon finals in July

  3. The Annual Club Dinner in  November

  4. The Club Open Day



  1. The prize money is proportional to the number of entries.

  2. We pay out half of the money over the four draws; the other half used for club funds.

  3. Prize money is divided equally between each quarterly draw.

How to Enter:

  1. Download and fill in the Standing Order Form in multiples of £12 and return the Form to the Promoter

  2. Filling in the Standing Order Form for £12 will give you one number; £24 two numbers; £36 three numbers, £48 four numbers, and so on

  3. The amount entered will be debited from your account on the 31st March each year until further notice.

Gambling Control Regulation:


  1. To comply with Gambling Control Regulations, a single draw has taken place at the end of April each year for all prizes and the relevant winners will be advised.

  2. The names of the winners will be published on the Club Notice Board and in the News page of the Club Website.

What is the Club Lottery and how does it work ?

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